10 Ways to Make Your Home Look Expensive on a Budget 

Want your home to look classy and expensive but don’t want to break the bank in the process? We’ve got you covered! Today we’re sharing 10 cheap and easy ways to make your home look expensive on a budget.

#1: Start with a Blank Canvas

An easy way to transform and update any space is to simply start over. Clear out the room and start from scratch. Once it’s empty, observe the room’s best features—does it have hardwood floors, a fireplace, built-in bookshelves, a huge window, or thick wooden trim?

When you bring the furniture and decor back in (maybe you’ll even leave some of it out for good), rearrange the items to highlight the room’s unique features.

#2: Fake High Ceilings & Huge Windows

Expensive houses always seem to have those high ceilings and huge windows, but don’t worry! Even if your house doesn’t feature 12-foot ceilings and floor to roof windows, you can fake the look.

Simply purchase extra long curtains (make sure they’ll touch both the floor and the ceiling), and hang your curtain rod up near the ceiling for an inexpensive illusion of height and elegance.

DIY Budget-Friendly Tip: Don’t want to purchase a new set of curtain panels? Simply sew on a complimentary section of fabric to the top or bottom of your panels to add the extra length. Or if you don’t sew, take the panels and extra fabric to a local seamstress.

#3: Upgrade Your Throw Pillows

Tired of your old couch but don’t have the money to buy a new one? Something as simple as upgrading your throw pillows can give old furniture a new and expensive look.

Opt for bold pops of color to brighten a neutral couch, throw in textures like velvet and leather to add luxury, and always purchase feather inserts instead of foam for an extra classy flair.

#4: DIY “Built-In” Designs

Built-in pieces like bookcases and shelves that span entire walls instantly make a house look classier and more expensive. But if your house didn’t come with custom-made built-ins, you can recreate the look pretty inexpensively yourself (it helps to be handy with a drill!).

Simply pick a room that needs to be spruced up, find a DIY built-in project like these DIY shelves by The Wood Grain Cottage, and get to work!

#5: Spruce Up Bookshelves

While we’re on the topic of shelving…If you’re searching for ways to make your home look expensive on a budget, rethink your bookshelves.

Instead of simply stacking the shelves full of books, try incorporating artwork, plants, accent decor, and candles (we suggest using flameless ones like these so the shelf above doesn’t get burned!).

#6: Open Up Spaces With Mirrors

If your house feels small or cramped, you can easily (and inexpensively) open up your space with mirrors. Create a wall collage of small mirrors or strategically hang large mirrors around the house to instantly create the illusion of a larger space.

Budget-Friendly Tip: Check out your local Goodwill, antique stores, and garage sales to find inexpensive mirrors. If you don’t love the frames they come in, try spray painting them!

#7: Hang Artwork

Another way to affordably “class up” your home is to hang artwork on the walls. Whether your style is modern, classical, boho, or farmhouse, find pieces of art to display throughout your house to instantly make your home look more expensive.

Budget-Friendly Tip: Scour your local thrift stores for frames and art pieces. You’d be surprised at the treasures you can find! Or if you’re feeling artsy, head to an art store and purchase a blank canvas and some bold colors to create a modern-looking piece!

#8: Play with Lighting

Want your home to instantly look more expensive? Turn out the fluorescent overhead lighting and experiment with soft lamplight, wall sconces, and flameless candles.

Strategically placed soft lighting can be used to elegantly highlight certain feature areas (like your fireplace or fancy art wall) while taking the focus away from less charming corners.

#9: Go for the Gold

There’s no easier way to make your home look expensive than adding a few gold accessories! From picture and mirror frames to accent pillows and vases, throwing a little gold into your decor will give your house a million-dollar look. Just make sure you don’t go overboard and step into “gaudy territory!”

DIY Budget-Friendly Tip: There’s no need to go out and purchase new items to bring in those gold accents, simply buy a $5 can of gold spray paint and have fun turning vases, candle holders, and picture/mirror frames into expensive-looking accents!

#10: Update, Don’t Replace

Just because your budget won’t allow you to replace outdated cabinets or upgrade cheap fixtures doesn’t mean you can’t make them look amazing! A fresh coat of paint goes a long way (and is relatively inexpensive) in transforming cheap, outdated items into expensive-looking ones.

DIY Budget-Friendly Tip: Buy a gallon or two of paint (we think light neutrals like white, cream, or gray look the fanciest), and have fun transforming your kitchen or bathroom cabinets into modern, expensive-looking showpieces.

And if the cabinet handles and hardware look out of place after that fresh paint job, grab a can of metallic spray paint (gold, black, silver, etc) and paint those as well!

Start Today

We hope you found these 10 ways to make your home look expensive on a budget-helpful! And remember, when it comes to updating your home, start small. Pick one room (or even a small corner) and try one of these 10 budget-friendly tips to instantly make your home look more expensive today!